1 August 2012 - Washington Park, Denver, CO
5" x 7", acrylic on paper |
This is a redux of a painting I did back on 21 September 2012 (posted
25 October 2011), a much smaller version.
From now on the number of paintings I have to post begins to dwindle. I still have some larger ones I need to get photos of from I think June, but since the beginning of August I've been seriously distracted by our puppy,
Nigel, who joined our household then.
Lately I've been doing some small gouache paintings, with mixed results, which will eventually get posted. I have to say I prefer the properties of acrylics, but, well, Nigel trumps even them.
The break in posting last month was due to our vacation in gorgeous, sunny Andalusia (Southern Spain). We stayed in
Málaga and took some day trips to Seville and Granada. Eventually I hope to get to painting views from that trip...